
Tuition Fees

ProgrammeAll Students
Executive Master of Business AdministrationMOP 550,000*

(Tuition fee does not include meal, accommodation, transportation and expense of two study trips)


The scholarships of the EMBA programme is MOP 192,000

For the 1st intake, all registered students will receive the 1st scholarship, around 17% of the tuition fee. Those who have completed all the courses offered in the 1st year (or the first 12 months) and registered for the 2nd year and maintain their active student status will receive the 2nd scholarship, around 17% of the tuition fee.

The original tuition fee is MOP 550,000.  The effective fee after the scholarships is MOP 358,000.

Schedule of Payment

ItemPayment Amount (MOP)Date
Reservation Deposit#20,000Upon acceptance of admission offer
1st Installment310,000Before the class commencement of the 1st semester of the 1st year
2nd Installment220,000Before the class commencement of the 1st semester of the 2nd year
Continuation Fee (per semester)27,500Before the class commencement of the semester starts
Retake/Extra Course Fee (per credit)15,000

# The reservation deposit is non-refundable. This deposit will be offset against the students’ first year tuition fee

Refund Policy

Date of ApplicationsPercentage of Tuition Refunded (Excluding non-refundable deposit)
Before class commencement100 % installment refund
Class commencement – October 1580 % installment refund
October 16 – November 3060 % installment refund
December 01 – January 3140 % installment refund
After January 31No refund will be issued

The tuition fees for Executive Master of Business Administration Programme and Refund Policy for Programme Withdrawal are subject to the final announcement in the Official Gazette of the Macao SAR.